Our current projects

La Boîte à Images - Production audiovisuelle

Our editorial philosophy is rooted in diversity, in terms of genres, topics, or formats… and tries to escape to the logic of economic rationality in the choices of developments.

CAST INTO DOUBT (Une nuit sur la mer)

For once Sophie gets herself organized and takes care of her grandson Jules, while her daughter and son-in-law enjoy her gift: a cruise in Mediterranean.
A fatal present for her daughter, Camille drowns in the sea, after falling from her cabin’s balcony. The surveillance camera captures the young woman completely drunk in the corridors. But this explanation doesn’t make sense. Sophie knows that her daughter hates alcohol, like her.
What has actually happened to Camille that night? Sophie decides to investigate. At the risk of her life…

Drama 90′
Writer: Chloé Micout, based upon a novel by Patricia MacDonald

TIED (Rester poly)

Evicted from her dream job due to her stuttering, Alix discovers bondage within a polyamorous community. Her symptoms disappear when she practices the art of tying! But her lover is afraid of losing her and opposes it. Alix has only four months before their engagement to convince him of the innocence of her progress, as she gets closer to her playmates…

Series 26′
Writer: Emmanuelle Coutellier

THE VILLAGE (Les enfants du village)

From 1960 to 2019, hundreds of children have been placed in the Riaumont’s Village, founded by Father Revet, an admirer of German Nazi. The Child welfare entrusted boys, mainly from poor families, to this scouting inspired Catholic institution. While pretending to protect them, it has instead inflicted moral, physical and sexual violence on the boys. Today, Riaumont is in the sights of justice. For nearly sixty years, children have been martyred with the complicity of all. How could the State subsidize a fundamentalist and ultra-reactionary institution? How could the Catholic Church cover it up?

Writer: Frédéric Faurt and Lionel Pasquier, based on the investigation ‘Les enfants martyrs de Riaumont’ by Ixchel Delaporte
Director: Chad Chenouga

UNDER SURVEILLANCE (Sous surveillance)

Married for five years, Arnaud and Célia Servier are madly in love and have everything to be happy… They should have shared some secrets, but they haven’t been bold enough. Today their life is in danger, and none of them is aware of the other’s serious problems.

Mini-series 4 x 52′
Writer: Julie Jézéquel