Our current projects

Our editorial philosophy is rooted in diversity, in terms of genres, topics, or formats… and tries to escape to the logic of economic rationality in the choices of developments.
CAST INTO DOUBT (Une nuit, sur la mer)
For once Sophie gets herself organized and takes care of her grandson Jeremy, while her daughter and son-in-law enjoy her gift: a cruise in Mediterranean.
A fatal present for her daughter, Chloe drowns in the sea, after falling from her cabin’s balcony. The surveillance camera captures the young woman completely drunk in the corridors. But this explanation doesn’t make sense. Sophie knows that her daughter hates alcohol, like her.
What has actually happened to Chloe that night? Sophie decides to investigate. At the risk of her life…
Drama 90′
Based upon a novel by Patricia MacDonald
THE ELEPHANTS PATH (Le passage des éléphants)
The encounter between a grieving man and a blind hitchhiking woman. Due to a car accident, he is injured and she is in charge of guiding them in the wilderness…
Comedy 90′
Writer: Sylvain Saada
Ninon has just been hired as a hand model by the HOP HOP TOP agency. What didn’t she mention on her resume? That she actually is an undercover reporter, denouncing this industry through an unfiltered investigation!
Series 26′
Writers: Oraline Agnès et Louise Debris
Deux enquêtrices de l’IGPN interrogent Léon Saint-Loup qui travaille en binôme avec Swann DeLuca sur « l’affaire des 5 accidents ».
Trop de zones d’ombre entourent cette enquête : la mort du présumé coupable, la disparition inquiétante du témoin clé et le coma de Swann atteint par l’arme de Léon…
Mini Series 52′
Writers: Valérie Fadini et Paul Weinberger